Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The auxiliary lights where in real bad shape; rusted and the chrome was peeling off. A set of USED lights are about $1600 and no new lights are available. I've tried to open then up with a Dremel but I gave up before doing something I would regret later. So, I had the idea to plate them...
Removed as much as possible inside using one finger (And some blood)...

The plating process: I filled up the lens with the product and held the anode in the middle.

After the plating process. It is a mat layer of metal. Unfortunately it doesn't take on the remaining rust, which is very difficult to remove.

After some steel wool (And more blood)...

Not perfect, but way better than before and for a fraction of the price of a used set :o)

The back was also rusted. After the rust inhibitor...

Much improved!